I'm testing a theory that Victor Fleming's masterpiece "The Wizard of Oz" is so woven into popular culture that someone or something makes reference to it at least once every day. It comes up in conversations, songs, TV shows, ads, other films, colloquial saying, etc. For one year I'll be updating this blog each time Oz comes up. Check back daily to see if the theory holds water, or melts in it. (And try it yourself. You'll start to notice Oz everywhere, I promise.)

Monday, June 30, 2008

has it really been two weeks?

Has it really been that long since I've updated my blog? It's not for lack of Oz references, it's for lack of energy. Today my boss said of the internet revolution and blogging and facebooking and everything else: How do people find the time?? I guess in this case, they don't.

I promise to try harder.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Farmer's Market

At a Farmer's Market this weekend, a girl had a booth set up with all kinds of little signs with different phrases painted on them. One said:

I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them

and the other said:

No one gets in to see the wizard. No way. No how.

Monday, June 9, 2008

the end of a reference

When flipping past Wheel of Fortune I spied a girl dressed as the Wicked Witch doing ... something. I couldn't tell what it had to do with Wheel of Fortune (more likely something to do with Wicked), but we'll count it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wait, wait, ... an Oz reference

If you caught "Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me" on NPR this morning, you surely caught an Oz reference at the end. P.J. O'Rouke was talking about Hilary Clinton and mentioned Dorothy, Toto, flying monkeys, and the ex-first lady dropping a house on Barack Obama.

I didn't quite get his meaning, but I know it was an Oz reference. (DVR has spoiled my life experience in that now whenever I miss something in the "real world" I think I can push a button and back it up 30 seconds.)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Not so smart now, are you, Trebek?

Do you ever wonder how "smart" Alex Trebek would be without all the answers sitting right in front of him? Ever witness him get a little arrogant with contestants when he corrects a wrong answer. I would LOVE to see Trebek play Jeopardy as a contestant.

Why haven't they done that yet? I think Trebek's afraid.

On today's Jeopardy there was actually a category called "Oz" and every question was about WoO. At the end, Trebek said something about the man behind the curtain. Thanks for the shout-out, Trebek!

p.s. Who's got two thumbs and ran the category. ... This guy.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Ugh. I haven't been keeping up. New job has got me exhausted. No more excuses. Starting tomorrow I'm back on the Oz watch.