I'm testing a theory that Victor Fleming's masterpiece "The Wizard of Oz" is so woven into popular culture that someone or something makes reference to it at least once every day. It comes up in conversations, songs, TV shows, ads, other films, colloquial saying, etc. For one year I'll be updating this blog each time Oz comes up. Check back daily to see if the theory holds water, or melts in it. (And try it yourself. You'll start to notice Oz everywhere, I promise.)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Smithsonian endorses this blog (...in a way)

If you saw the Colbert Report on Thursday you caught a great Wizard of Oz reference. And even beyond the reference, was the comment from Brent Glass confirming my thoughts on The Wizard of Oz.

Glass is the Director of the Smithsonian's Treasures of American History exhibit. Colbert was meeting with him to try to get his studio portrait added to the exhibit. Glass was giving Colbert a tour of the exhibit when they stopped at a glass case featuring the original Scarecrow suit and Dorothy's ruby slippers. First, Colbert asked Glass if he was a "friend of Dorothy."

Then Glass said:
"The popularity of the Wizard of Oz transcends almost anything in entertainment."

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Glass.

Colbert responded to this, "Other than my portrait." The two debated which was more important to American History: the ruby slippers or Colbert's portrait. A $50 bet ensued, and the segment will carry over into Monday's show.

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