I'm testing a theory that Victor Fleming's masterpiece "The Wizard of Oz" is so woven into popular culture that someone or something makes reference to it at least once every day. It comes up in conversations, songs, TV shows, ads, other films, colloquial saying, etc. For one year I'll be updating this blog each time Oz comes up. Check back daily to see if the theory holds water, or melts in it. (And try it yourself. You'll start to notice Oz everywhere, I promise.)

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Where have all the Oz references gone!? I'm so angry I could beat up Kimbo!


Noa Dunn said...

I don't watch it, but apparently there are alot of references on the show "Lost".

who cares said...

for better or for worse, i don't watch lost either. but i do watch Arrested Development, which is brimming with Oz references.