I'm testing a theory that Victor Fleming's masterpiece "The Wizard of Oz" is so woven into popular culture that someone or something makes reference to it at least once every day. It comes up in conversations, songs, TV shows, ads, other films, colloquial saying, etc. For one year I'll be updating this blog each time Oz comes up. Check back daily to see if the theory holds water, or melts in it. (And try it yourself. You'll start to notice Oz everywhere, I promise.)

Sunday, August 17, 2008


There have been a number of Oz references over the last few days, but I haven't done a good job of including them here. One was in the movie Zeitgiest, which you can stream on Google. It's a bunch of conspiracy theory stuff, but pretty interesting.

Maybe I'm so bad about updating the blog because I'm wasting my life away playing Scrabulous. Right now I have the "O" and "Z" tiles. Very unfortunately, they don't count that as a word.


Anonymous said...

hi there, sorry to leave this as a comment but we weren't sure how to get in touch and we wanted to let you know about a new book coming out: a new version of The Wizard of Oz from Counterpoint Press - illustrated by Graham Rawle. It's pretty gorgeous.

The .pdf file is available here:


please enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up!